Goal Babbling versus Motor Babbling

Here we show the difference between motor and goal babbling exploration strategies on a idealized two-dimensional arm example.

Two-Dimensional Arm

We consider a two-dimensional arm with 20 segments of the same lenghts, with a total length of one meter. The range of angles the joint can achieve is [-150, 150] degrees.

In [1]:
import environments.envs

# we copy the default configuration of a 2d kinematic arm and set its parameters
arm_cfg = environments.envs.KinematicArm2D.defcfg._deepcopy()
arm_cfg.dim     = 20
arm_cfg.lengths = 1.0/arm_cfg.dim
arm_cfg.limits  = (-150, 150)

arm = environments.Environment.create(arm_cfg)
In [2]:
# Loading the bokeh plotting library
from bokeh import plotting
BokehJS successfully loaded.
In [3]:
from arm_vizu import bokeh_kin 

plotting.figure(title='arm motor commands examples')

# some sample motor signals
m_signals = [
    {'j0': -31.23, 'j1': -44.21, 'j2': -20.18, 'j3': +31.55, 'j4': +35.66, 'j5':  +5.19, 'j6': +17.34, 'j7': +24.51, 'j8':  -2.69, 'j9': +26.52, 'j10': -34.87, 'j11': +10.72, 'j12': -19.38, 'j13': -33.49, 'j14': +13.78, 'j15': -22.43, 'j16': +33.61, 'j17': -28.95, 'j18': +34.31, 'j19':   45.75},
    {'j0': -53.66, 'j1': -56.20, 'j2': -56.67, 'j3': -34.83, 'j4': -20.29, 'j5':  +7.51, 'j6': +20.92, 'j7': +25.51, 'j8': -17.59, 'j9':  +6.51, 'j10':  -9.65, 'j11': +45.70, 'j12': +20.88, 'j13': +24.25, 'j14': +28.65, 'j15': -42.79, 'j16': +34.45, 'j17': -39.90, 'j18':  +2.74, 'j19':  -11.12},
    {'j0': +58.13, 'j1': +45.43, 'j2': -21.01, 'j3':  +2.35, 'j4': -38.90, 'j5': -39.23, 'j6': +45.14, 'j7': -57.58, 'j8': +39.49, 'j9': +29.01, 'j10':  -0.09, 'j11': -56.19, 'j12': +56.07, 'j13':  +5.91, 'j14': +36.61, 'j15': -52.65, 'j16': -58.60, 'j17': +32.45, 'j18': +43.69, 'j19': -120.77},
    {'j0': +53.09, 'j1': +55.83, 'j2': -51.08, 'j3': +41.44, 'j4': +44.43, 'j5':  +4.67, 'j6':  +2.15, 'j7': +37.23, 'j8':  -3.77, 'j9': -46.70, 'j10': +56.41, 'j11': -21.08, 'j12': +13.73, 'j13': +47.23, 'j14':  +7.94, 'j15': -27.26, 'j16': +56.54, 'j17':  -7.77, 'j18': -18.98, 'j19': +149.46}

for i, m_signal in enumerate(m_signals):
    bokeh_kin(arm, m_signal, alpha=0.2 + i*0.15)


Motor Babbling

To create a random motor babbling explorer, we only need the motor channels.

In [4]:
import explorers

mb_cfg = explorers.RandomMotorExplorer.defcfg._deepcopy()
mb_cfg.m_channels = arm.m_channels

mb_ex  = explorers.Explorer.create(mb_cfg)

We run the exploration strategy for 5000 timesteps.

In [5]:
import random

random.seed(0) # comment for different results
N = 5000
mb_s_signals = []

for i in range(N):
    # creating the motor command
    exploration = mb_ex.explore()
    # executing the motor command
    feedback    = arm.execute(exploration['m_signal'])
    # updating the explorer with the feedback
    mb_ex.receive(exploration, feedback)
In [6]:
mb_xs = [s_signal['x'] for s_signal in mb_s_signals]
mb_ys = [s_signal['y'] for s_signal in mb_s_signals]

def mb_plot(n=200):
    plotting.figure(title='motor babbling, {} steps'.format(n))
    plotting.scatter(mb_xs[:n], mb_ys[:n], 
                     x_range=[-1, 1], y_range=[-1, 1],
                     fill_alpha= 0.5, line_color=None, radius=2.0, radius_units='screen')
In [7]:
from IPython.html import widgets 

widgets.interact(mb_plot, n=(0, 5000, 5))
<function __main__.mb_plot>

The motor babblign exploration trajectory remains concentrated in the center of reachable space.

Goal Babbling

The explorer for goal babbling is a bit more complex, as it combines a motor babbling explorer, used to bootstrap the exploration (here for 50 timesteps), and a pure goal babbling explorer. We use the class MetaExplorer to combine the two and orchestrate them in time.

In [8]:
STEP_ERA1 = 50  # number of motor babbling steps
P_MB_ERA1 = 1.0 # probability to do motor babbling during era 1
P_MB_ERA2 = 0.0 # probability to do motor babbling during era 2

ex_cfg            = explorers.MetaExplorer.defcfg._deepcopy()
ex_cfg.m_channels = arm.m_channels
ex_cfg.s_channels = arm.s_channels

# two sub-explorer, motor babbling and goal babbling.
ex_cfg.ex_0    = explorers.RandomMotorExplorer.defcfg._deepcopy()
ex_cfg.ex_1    = explorers.RandomGoalExplorer.defcfg._deepcopy()
# there are two eras, the first ends at step STEP_ERA1, the second one never ends.
ex_cfg.eras    = (STEP_ERA1, None)
# the weights determine how the probability to use ex_0 (motor babbling),
# or ex_1 (goal babbling) during each era.
ex_cfg.weights = ((P_MB_ERA1, 1.0 - P_MB_ERA1), 
                  (P_MB_ERA2, 1.0 - P_MB_ERA2))

The goal babbling explorer needs an inverse model. We use a very simple one. Given a goal (i.e. a sensory signal), we find the nearest sensory signal in recorded observations, and then add a small random perturbation to its corresponding motor command to create a new motor command that we return.

Here the perturbation is drawn between 5% of the legal value range of the motor channels.

In [9]:
import learners

DISTURB = 0.05

learn_cfg = learners.DisturbLearner.defcfg._deepcopy()
learn_cfg.m_disturb = DISTURB
ex_cfg.ex_1.learner = learn_cfg

ex = explorers.Explorer.create(ex_cfg)

We run the exploration policy for 2000 steps

In [10]:
random.seed(0) # comment for different results
N = 5000

gb_s_signals = []
for i in range(N):
    exploration = ex.explore()
    feedback    = arm.execute(exploration['m_signal'])
    ex.receive(exploration, feedback)

We show the scatter plot of the effects. Move the slider to increase the numbers of steps displayed.

In [11]:
xs = [s_signal['x'] for s_signal in gb_s_signals]
ys = [s_signal['y'] for s_signal in gb_s_signals]

def gb_plot(n=200):
    plotting.figure(title='goal babbling, {} steps'.format(n))
    plotting.scatter(xs[:n], ys[:n], 
                     x_range=[-1, 1], y_range=[-1, 1],
                     fill_alpha= 0.5, line_color=None, radius=2.0, radius_units='screen')
In [12]:
widgets.interact(gb_plot, n=(0, 5000, 5))
<function __main__.gb_plot>

Interactive Plot for Goal Babbling

Many parameters impacts the goal babbling strategy. The interactive plot below allows to test the impact of each parameters in real time.

In [13]:
dataset = {}
last_config = {}

def explore(SEED     =0,   # random seed
            ARM_DIM  =20,  # number of joints of the arm 
            LIMIT    =150, # range of the joints
            STEP_ERA1=50,   # lenght of the first era
            P_MB_ERA1=1.0, # probability to do motor babbling during era 1
            P_MB_ERA2=0.0,  # probability to do motor babbling during era 2
            N        =5000 # total number of steps)
    # Not redoing the exploration unless we have to.
    global last_config
    core_keys = ['SEED', 'ARM_DIM', 'LIMIT', 'STEP_ERA1', 'P_MB_ERA1', 'P_MB_ERA2', 'N']
              'P_MB_ERA1': P_MB_ERA1, 'P_MB_ERA2': P_MB_ERA2, 'N': N}
    if (config.keys() == last_config.keys() and 
        all(config[k] == last_config[k] for k in core_keys) and
        config['N'] <= last_config['N']):
        last_config = config
    # Arm environment
    arm_cfg = environments.envs.KinematicArm2D.defcfg._deepcopy()
    arm_cfg.dim     = ARM_DIM
    arm_cfg.lengths = 1.0/arm_cfg.dim
    arm_cfg.limits  = (-LIMIT, LIMIT)
    arm = environments.Environment.create(arm_cfg)
    # Explorer Config
    ex_cfg            = explorers.MetaExplorer.defcfg._deepcopy()
    ex_cfg.m_channels = arm.m_channels
    ex_cfg.s_channels = arm.s_channels

    ex_cfg.ex_0    = explorers.RandomMotorExplorer.defcfg._deepcopy()
    ex_cfg.ex_1    = explorers.RandomGoalExplorer.defcfg._deepcopy()
    ex_cfg.eras    = (STEP_ERA1, None)
    ex_cfg.weights = ((P_MB_ERA1, 1.0 - P_MB_ERA1), 
                      (P_MB_ERA2, 1.0 - P_MB_ERA2))

    # Learner Config
    learn_cfg = learners.DisturbLearner.defcfg._deepcopy()
    learn_cfg.m_disturb = DISTURB
    ex_cfg.ex_1.learner = learn_cfg

    ex = explorers.Explorer.create(ex_cfg)
    history = []
    for i in range(N):
        exploration = ex.explore()
        feedback    = arm.execute(exploration['m_signal'])
        ex.receive(exploration, feedback)
        history.append((exploration, feedback))

    dataset['m_channels']   = ex.m_channels
    dataset['s_channels']   = ex.s_channels
    dataset['explorations'] = history

def plot_interact(SEED       =0,    # random seed
                  ARM_DIM    =20,   # number of joint of the arm 
                  LIMIT      =150,  # range of the joints
                  STEP_ERA1  =50,   # lenght of the first era
                  P_MB_ERA1  =1.0,  # probability to do motor babbling during era 1
                  P_MB_ERA2  =0.0,  # probability to do motor babbling during era 2
                  N          =1000, # total number of steps)
                  n_displayed=1000   # step displayed
            P_MB_ERA1=P_MB_ERA1, P_MB_ERA2=P_MB_ERA2, N=N)
    xs = [e[1]['s_signal']['x'] for e in dataset['explorations']]
    ys = [e[1]['s_signal']['y'] for e in dataset['explorations']]

    n = min(n_displayed, N)
    plotting.figure(title='{} steps'.format(n))
    plotting.scatter(xs[:n], ys[:n],
                     x_range=[-1, 1], y_range=[-1, 1],
                     fill_alpha= 0.5, line_color=None, radius=2.0, radius_units='screen')
In [14]:
widgets.interact(plot_interact, SEED=(0, 100, 1), ARM_DIM=(1, 50), LIMIT=(5, 180, 5), STEP_ERA1=(0, 1000, 10), P_MB_ERA1=(0.0, 1.0, 0.05), P_MB_ERA2=(0.0, 1.0, 0.05), N=(0, 5000, 100), n_displayed=(0, 5000, 5))
<function __main__.plot_interact>